So I finally went ice fishing for the first time EVER on Sunday. It was a whopping -48 degrees with the wind chill! Joey and Bruno and I left around 7:30am and went to Diefenbaker Lake(about an hour from Saskatoon) to fish for the day. I froze every part of my body, including my bum, because I broke down and went pee outside in the snow about half way through the day. It was a lot of fun though and hope to be able to go in less extreme weather conditions sometime. We spent about 7 hours out there on the lake in a little hut with a propane stove to keep us warm and failed to catch even one fish. I think there were no fish because they would have to be out of their minds to be swimming around trying to find food when it was that bloody cold. If I were a fish I would definitely lay low and try keep warm and not die...haha. Good ole Saskatchewan winters...I recommend experiencing it to everyone;)