Monday, April 6, 2009

"Spring Cleaning"

I don't know whether it is the fact that spring has finally sprung but I am extremely (almost deliriously) happy. My life seems to be in order for once and everything is going swimmingly. It felt like a REALLY rough, long winter filled with hardships but now every day the snow melts a little more and I see more signs of life rather than death. I find it extremely euphoric because the period of trepidation is now over. It feels like I have been hibernating and can finally wake up and "smell the roses" so to speak. This time of year always makes me want to run...not away from people, but just go and see the world because the feeling of being confined has finally dissipated. The cleansing effect that spring seems to have on me is in it's process...the rain will wash away everything that has happened in the past year and allow me to start anew and refreshed. The cool raindrops drip down my skin and leave everything completely scarless yet again. The scars will always remain(I know that) yet I feel I will have another try at least. Let the past stay in the past, let me look forward to the future. My soul, my body and my mind all need a darn good scrubbing... Spring represents new things and rebirth to me and I guess that is why this ecstacy is pouring out of me. Just like the song says "For every season, there is a reason..."


  1. YAY Trexi!! So happy that you're happy, my dear! Sending nothing but love and hugs your way! xx C

  2. Love you too!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo T
