Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Moving x 4
Craziness and complete bonkerdom! So my brother is moving back to Saskatchewan and in an attempt to be a good sister(not that I am not one already!) I went with my Mom and her boyfriend to help him move. It actually was a really fun trip, we took turns driving and having "nap time" and singing songs as we always do on long road trips. We went to see my Grandma which was awesome since I hadn't seen her in almost a year. My Grandpa just passed away but Grams is doing great...spry as eva! We visited and took her to the casino and ate a bunch of food(always do...she is the stereotypical Ukrainian Baba). Anywho, I worked my butt off (as did everyone) cleaning and packing things yesterday. I left early this morning to come back to Saskatoon(7 hours away) with a car load of Brant's things and have begun my own work that needs to be accomplished. I am moving, have someone moving out and have my landlord's daughter moving in so I came to clean the place thoroughly! I have been scrubbing for over an hour and thought I would take a little break. Other than being busy and running all over the country I am doing and feeling pretty darn chipper! Until next time...Tress
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Bookless Bliss

This is me smiling because I am happy!!!!!!!I AM FINISHED SCHOOL! Just wrote my last was a toughie! I have made it through the year and am pretty pumped that it is summer and I have four whole months off from the books:) I am going out tonight to celebrate the great year and my good marks;) Hope all is well with you guys!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Whirlwind That Is My Life

So my life right now is a bit crazy and it will only get crazier I am sure...
I am done school and have decided to work in Tisdale for the summer. I am writing final exams right now and have been driving back and forth to Tisdale(2 hours away) to work between these is bonkers! I am trying to juggle working, traveling, social life and exams at the moment and it is wearing me out. Not to mention I have become an avid LARPER in this past few weeks(just kidding). For instance, I worked till 2:30am last night, got up at 8:30am this morning, drove back to Saskatoon and am now leaving to go study at the University with my friend! All in a day's work right? Other than that I am doing fairly well. There will be a lot of moving and stuff next week as my brother is moving back to Saskatchewan and I somehow think I am going to have to help with that and also I may have people moving in and out of the condo I live in at the same time. My friend from Alberta is down right now and so I am going to go visit her tomorrow which I am excited about since I haven't seen her for so long but when the heck am I gonna have time to study????haha
Oh well, I am sure things will begin to settle down soon. Hope all is well with all of you and sorry if you can't get a hold of I said I'm a tad busy for the time being;) xoxo
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Happenings at Ye Olde Condo

Life is good but I am perturbed by my surroundings at the moment. I love my condo and it has a beautiful view of the golf course and a large pond. This pond is right outside my place and now that it is spring some "friends" of mine of flown back from the south. It was the geese who arrived a couple of weeks ago. It is mating season and all they all do is fight and/or try to "court" each other. They keep my up late at night and wake me up very early with their incessant honking and carrying on. I have attempted to borrow a gun of sorts from people but no one seems to have one;) The ducks just came a couple days ago and now the geese have others to talk to so it is louder than ever and they splash around day and night trying to maintain their respective turfs. Approximately 5 kids go out to the pond each day and throw rocks at them all and honk at them which has seemed to only create more havoc. Moving to the Mom brought me a new bed and since I do not have anywhere to put my old one at the moment I have mattresses out on my balcony blocking any light I may have had in here, headboard and endboard lie in my kitchen and pictures, decorations and a huge mirror as well as my roommates storage bins lying all over my house. It looks ridiculous. She is moving out soon and I can put the bed in her old room, etc, etc...Just gotta wait 2 more weeks! They have also been "testing" the fire alarm in the building and it goes off randomly and the shrill alarm plays for up to an hour at a time. Awesome! Soon ye olde condo will be back to normal...hopefully.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Reality Television Heartthrob of the Year!

All who know me know that I love my reality TV shows. The one that I am REALLY into right now is American Idol. I have realized just recently that I have fallen in love with one of the contestants(and yes I am aware that he is gay but that doesn't mean I still can't love him). He is AMAZING, I am not sure what he does but every time he steps on that stage I get goosebumps all over and I am not the type to be a screaming, giggling groupie. I am trying to study but can't seem to stop watching him sing "Ring of Fire" on You Tube repeatedly. I recommend you watch it immediately and then you will know what I am talking about:)
Even Simon loves him! Oh Adam are so incredibly talented and original, not to mention easy on the eyes. If I was a man I would definitely have a "man crush" on you:)
Seth's New Flick

So we went to "Observe and Report" last night and now I feel that I indeed did observe it and now I am going to report. I have one word for the movie....WEIRD! It was going along just fine, like a regular Seth Rogan movie, when all of a sudden it got absolutely crazy and whacked. He is a mall security guy....well head of mall security to be exact. He is bipolar, falls in love with the cosmetics girl in the mall(Anna Farris), stops taking his pills and proceeds to get really loopy. He and his fellow mall cop(Michael Pena who is absolutely hilarious!!)are beating up kids and cops, shooting up with heroin, snorting cocaine, smoking weed(well no surprise there really).Then Seth starts threatening the cinnamon bun man and getting his own butt whooped by an entire police squad. His rival is Ray Liotta who is a detective and is trying to take over his terrain at the mall when a pervert begins flashing women in the parking lot. In an attempt to get back at Ray and show what he is made of, Seth quits at the mall and tries out for the police force where he does not get accepted because he fails his psychological evaluation. It was all so bizarre that it was hard not to laugh at it. I am more of a fan of "Knocked Up" and "40 Year Old Virgin" still I would have to say. All in all, I love Seth but I can't say I loved this movie nor can I say that I liked the 10 minute scene at the end of the "flasher" running naked through the mall although it was very laughable. The end shocks as Seth blows out the "flashers" brains but then he gets up and is alive. We kept giving each other strange looks and half laughs through the duration. My point...if you want to sit through an hour of asking the person you are with "What the hell is going on here????" then definitely go see it!;) xoxo
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Thought of the Day

As I sit here studying and drinking my large double double a thought came to me about my favorite coffee. If you are a Canadian you will most certainly know about Tim Hortons. It is THE place for a cup of joe in our country. The line ups are usually out the door and if you choose drive thru you can expect to wait even longer. The coffee there is highly addictive, no other coffee seems to cut it for me or for most of my friends. It is kind of "the starbucks of saskatchewan";)Anyway, now that you have a little bit of background I want to rant a little. There is an annual contest at Tim's called "Roll Up the Rim" I am not angry because of the fact that I have NEVER won anything in all my coffee's there but I am a little perturbed by how the contest is played. You get a paper cup and roll the actual rim up where it says "Please Play Again".(or this is what all of mine say anyway) They give you a coffee in a glass cup and then give you a paper cup so that you can look at the rim and then it is thrown in the garbage. I keep thinking of all the waste that this is creating, millions of cups are not even being used but just tossed after the dreaded "please play again". I realize maybe people find it fun and the highlight of their day to physically roll a rim up on an enormous paper cup but come on....couldn't they just give us a little slip of paper , maybe a scratch and win or even a miniature cup where less paper and cardboard is being used??? I find it strange that in this day and age where everyone is "going green" that Tim's would create all of this waste. McDonalds even makes all of their stuff out of recycled materials and it is well...McDonalds.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Year Ender Bender

Well the year is over and classes were done last Wednesday! I was so excited and hyper last week but now, alas, I am feeling a little sad. This year was so much fun and I met so many awesome people which I won't see now for 4 months. Oh well, I need a break and need to work and make some money for next year! This pic is from our Christmas party, can't seem to get my hands on any from last week's party...oh well. Our year ender bender was on Wednesday. A bunch of us girls went out to the Dakota Dunes Casino to watch our friend sing in the Idol competition complete with American Idol music between singers...haha. It was fun and she did really well. The prize is 10,000 buckeroos so I hope she wins so she can take us all out;) We had our party at Maguires which is an Irish pub in Saskatoon and we rented out the top floor for it, had a DJ and of course a jigging competition. We drank and danced all night...good times! I went home to Mom's for Easter weekend and worked Friday and Saturday night, ate a lot on Sunday and then came back to the city. I gotta buckle down now and study for my finals so I should probably stop writing this blog and go ahead and get on that;) xoxo
Monday, April 6, 2009
"Spring Cleaning"

I don't know whether it is the fact that spring has finally sprung but I am extremely (almost deliriously) happy. My life seems to be in order for once and everything is going swimmingly. It felt like a REALLY rough, long winter filled with hardships but now every day the snow melts a little more and I see more signs of life rather than death. I find it extremely euphoric because the period of trepidation is now over. It feels like I have been hibernating and can finally wake up and "smell the roses" so to speak. This time of year always makes me want to run...not away from people, but just go and see the world because the feeling of being confined has finally dissipated. The cleansing effect that spring seems to have on me is in it's process...the rain will wash away everything that has happened in the past year and allow me to start anew and refreshed. The cool raindrops drip down my skin and leave everything completely scarless yet again. The scars will always remain(I know that) yet I feel I will have another try at least. Let the past stay in the past, let me look forward to the future. My soul, my body and my mind all need a darn good scrubbing... Spring represents new things and rebirth to me and I guess that is why this ecstacy is pouring out of me. Just like the song says "For every season, there is a reason..."
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Thoughts on the Inevitable...
It seems as though when one person dies it has a rippling effect. My Dad passed away 9 short months ago and this morning my Grandpa(his father) passed on as well. Death is a funny thing because it is inevitable and it will happen to all of us yet it is a difficult thing to deal with. It brings memories( and emotions that we carry along with those memories)to the forefront. I think of death as not being the end of life but the end of any sort of pain and suffering they were enduring. Everyone believes something different based on their individual spirituality. Some believe in heaven and hell, some believe in reincarnations, some believe they are still here or alive in spirit but their physical being no longer exists and some people believe they are just gone...asleep forever. Whatever the case is, they are no longer a part of our world and our daily lives but their memories live on in each of us that knew them. Death causes us to celebrate someone's life here on this earth and remember the things that they had done. Inevitable tragedy brings great strength to anyone who endures it...death is the perfect example of this. It is easier to cope when someone has lived a full life. My Dad died at only 52 years of age and it came quickly and as quite a shock, yet my Grandpa had lived a full life and had slowly been declining. This made me realize that depending on age and cause, death can have a very different impact on those left to mourn. The sun has set for the last time on the life of someone I loved but I will always remember the days when the sun was shining.
I don't make a habit out of quoting the bible but this Ecclesiastes quote epitomizes the point I am trying to make, there truly is a time for everything(good or bad):
"For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace."
I don't make a habit out of quoting the bible but this Ecclesiastes quote epitomizes the point I am trying to make, there truly is a time for everything(good or bad):
"For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace."
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