Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Great News for Miss Kirstein

I have some GREAT news!

I was supposed to go to school until April 2011 and convocate May 2011. I have know figured out that I can take summer classes(they were hard to get into, I needed overrides and departmental approval, etc.) but I got into all of my post-internship classes based on my marks pre-internship. I will be busy in the next months but I will be completely done school before Christmas! I am so excited! I do a 4 week student teaching in May and while doing that I will be taking a web/online course. Then from June-August I will be taking 3 more classes. In September I will be doing my4 month internship and then I will be done school forever!

I know it is just 4 months but that is 4 months sooner to get out there and get a job and I will beat the mob of people that will be looking for positions after graduation. I am very happy. Like I said I have been having tremendous luck in 2010. I am very thankful that everything seems to be coming together for me in many departments including finances, education and love life.

Brian and I have many weddings to attend this summer and I will be going to school full time. I am a bridesmaid in July and also in August and Brian will be a groomsman in September. I am looking forward to the summer and know it will fly by as we will be busy! Brian is also having another niece which he is looking forward to. When she is born we want to go to Vancouver to meet her.

Also my really good friends Jody and Juan that live in Japan are coming this summer! I don't know when or where exactly yet but we are going to meet up with them and I cannot wait for that! I miss them dearly...

All in all, things are sure looking up!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Trex! It just keeps getting better and better! Fantastic for you! Happy studies, and please give a hug to Jody for me, and visa versa. xx
