Sunday, February 22, 2009

Winnipeg Trip 2009

I went east of Saskatchewan for the first time ever and loved it! Honestly, Manitoba is Saskatchewan's twin sister but I still got to go see something a little bit different so I was happy. To my surprise I really liked Winnipeg and found it to be quite beautiful(even in the winter). While we were there it rained alot and was cold and so it lead to ICY streets and roads. They closed down the highway and a couple of my friends fell on the icy streets. Surprisingly I did not fall but I won't speak too soon;) The sidewalks were equivalent to skating rinks and although I can skate I sure didn't have any with me! We did some school work and had a lot of fun and the people that I went with were great! The SUNTEP program that I am in is a program for Metis students and it is absolutely wonderful. I have learned so much about myself and my culture in the last few months. The purpose of the trip was to do genealogical research at the archives in Manitoba and at the Metis resource centre. We also had time for karoake, museums, seeing The Forks and Riel's grave, long walks around town, shopping, dinners, and drinking! There was only 6 of us from my class that went and we had a great time. Marcy, Cara, Claire, Sarah, Sam and I and the rest were in 2nd year of studies. We all had a great time together though. I belted out a ditty( or five) one of the nights at the hotel and was missing Japan quite a bit.Karoake seems to do that to me;) I will write more and put up a slideshow soon with trip highlights! kawin'a ki'we'ta'n

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