I had a real treat tonight! My boss's from Tisdale, Ronnie and Gene, took me out to a FANTASTIC Japanese dinner which was absolutely amazing! I have been there once before about 5 years ago but after having lived in Japan( and having a real taste of Japanese food )I have to say I REALLY appreciated it this time. I had bay scallops and steak along with lots of veggies, sticky rice and miso soup and quite a few spicy caesars;) We had a great waiter in the lounge that turned out to be from Archerwill area and although our chef wasn't a talkative chap he did make a steaming volcano on the grill out of onions so I was more than happy;) We sat with some girls from Regina who were my age and in Saskatoon for night on the town. I had a great visit with Ronnie and Gene accompanied by great food, great drinks and of course, a great atmosphere! Gene had a Geisha drink which was made of Triple Sec, Sake, Pineapple Juice and Grenadine...what a punch that had! WOW! Anyway, it was a wonderful experience and if anyone is ever in Saskatoon and loves Japanese food you should definitely go there. Thank you Ronnie and Gene for taking me there, it was awesome!
I am off to Winnipeg early in the morning so I will post when I get back from my trip....SAYONARA MINA-SAN!