Hello strangers!
It seems as if I have been on hiatus for some time now and I guess I have been...
My life has been wonderful but crazy and busy! I am finally a teacher! (this is a little before the fact I guess but truly I am). I am doing my internship and it is going wonderfully. My cooperating teacher is from Chile and he is great. The thing is he thinks I am such a great teacher and wants to learn from me(if you can believe that). I just had my midterm assessment and not one bad thing was said. I have learned as a teacher you have to think on your feet and you can plan and prepare all you want but things NEVER go as planned. I feel I am doing really well and the weeks are flying by and I am learning and growing each and every day. I feel exhausted every night and pass out around 930pm. I run all day long but I know this is my calling, this is what I was meant to do, this is ME. I love being around the kids and making them laugh and having fun with them. I have also learned that to earn respect and to get them to achieve something you have to be hard and unbending sometimes. This is the easiest and the hardest job I have ever done and I never want to do anything else. The best feeling in life is making a difference in a child's life(making them laugh, making them understand something, making them love to learn). I am enjoying my little caterpillars right now;-)
aw, you a caterpillar raiser-upper-ton : )