Friday, September 11, 2009

According to Erickson...

As I am back in the full swing of things at University I have been attempting to stuff semi-useless knowledge into my head for the last week. Classes are great and love 90% of them and have been going to the gym too trying to rid myself of the flab that I had planned on getting rid of in the summer but didn't... I am taking Educational Psychology(love it!) and yesterday we were learning about Erickson's theory regarding human beings and their psychological development. Erickson is unlike Freud and as I am not a fan of Freud have decided to buy into his theory of "life stages". It would be boring to go into the stages but what i found humorous and have been thinking about a lot is how I seem to be behind in my life stage progression while, at the same time, light years ahead where I ask the philosophical questions most would only ask themselves on their death bed. Apparently(psychologically) I am living through the 13-18 year old stage as well as the elderly(60 plus) stage simultaneously at my 28 years of age. I will admit I have been called crazy so this really does explain an awful lot...
PS: I find it difficult not to notice the drink in Erickson's hand and the discombobulated look in his eyes;)


  1. I love that you managed to use the word, 'discombobulated' in your blog! Hilarious. I'm going to try to do that in mine soon!

    Love you, honey. Hope all is well.

  2. Glad you noticed that;) I thought it was pretty hilarious...
    Miss you and hope everything is ok with you too!
