So Brian's favorite restaurant ever is BONANZA. A place where(until i met him) I had only eaten at once in my life. It is popular for it's salad bar which is what the two of us always get. Normally we get pops...I have Diet Pepsi and he has Dr. Pepper(code for both is DP) so the confusion ensues and different numbers of straws are added to drinks to tell them apart. On this day, however, we both ordered waters as we have been working out and eating healthier. Brian proceeded to tell the young waitress that that would be all and so the poor girl crumpled up the bill, handed us our waters and exclaimed that we did not owe any money and could sit in the restaurant wherever we wanted. We were both kind of flabbergasted... uncertain as to whether she was joking around with us or if she actually thought we just wanted to sit in the restaurant and drink our glasses of water.
The big question though in our heads was "Would someone actually do that and has this happened before?" The normalcy that the girl felt with our "only waters ma'am" was what threw us off the most. All in all, we got our salad bar sans soft drinks;) Delish! Immediately following this dinner outing we went to Indigo(great bookstore) where I ran into one of my professors and his lady friend. This lady friend of his was telling me that i was very poised... this is when Brian shoved an entire ice cream cone(which he had taken from the Bonanza salad bar) into his mouth preventing him from entering into the conversation....
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
According to Erickson...

As I am back in the full swing of things at University I have been attempting to stuff semi-useless knowledge into my head for the last week. Classes are great and love 90% of them and have been going to the gym too trying to rid myself of the flab that I had planned on getting rid of in the summer but didn't... I am taking Educational Psychology(love it!) and yesterday we were learning about Erickson's theory regarding human beings and their psychological development. Erickson is unlike Freud and as I am not a fan of Freud have decided to buy into his theory of "life stages". It would be boring to go into the stages but what i found humorous and have been thinking about a lot is how I seem to be behind in my life stage progression while, at the same time, light years ahead where I ask the philosophical questions most would only ask themselves on their death bed. Apparently(psychologically) I am living through the 13-18 year old stage as well as the elderly(60 plus) stage simultaneously at my 28 years of age. I will admit I have been called crazy so this really does explain an awful lot...
PS: I find it difficult not to notice the drink in Erickson's hand and the discombobulated look in his eyes;)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Fact: The "G" in "Gnome is Silent

Just wanted to officially announce that Brian and I will be gnomes for Halloween this year. For some reason we find them funny and have been making jokes about them for quite some time now. He even went so far as to buy a 40 dollar book called "Gnomeland" at a store called "Le Gnome". We have learned many facts about these small garden people. They have quite the history! It is actually quite odd the amount of information you can find on the topic of gnomes even in a simple google search. The main thing to know is that gnomes lie, are mischievous and should never, ever be trusted. Next time you come across one of these mythical little men...keep that in mind;)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Taking the Good with the Bad
As it may have seemed like I had fallen off the face of planet earth this last month or so, I will assure you I have not. I have had a mix of good times and bad in the last little while. I attended two weddings at the beginning of August which were great. Amber and Mike were married August 1st in Saskatoon at St. John's Cathedral with festivities that followed at the Radisson. I have to say that it was one of thd fanciest weddings I had ever been to where we ate prime rib and were served individually by waiters wearing white gloves. The second wedding was Brian's friends wedding, Tim and Sarah on August 7th at the Forestry Farm in Saskatoon followed by the Park Town Hotel. Also, very nice wedding and VERY good time.(Picture is of us at Tim's wedding). Actually, Brian caught the garter at Tim's wedding and proceeded to throw it back....yes......and I am not joking about this whatsoever....Anyway, it has been a month and once in awhile I bring this up;) In August I worked a lot at the bar trying to get all my hours in to cover the student grant contract that I had signed. There was one week that I worked close to 60 hours and was exhausted and ready for school to start. It seems odd that someone would be as excited as I for school to start but alas, it was a looooonnnnng 4 months and was thrilled that today was my first day of school( always has been my favorite time of year!). I love the fall and being on campus, today however, you could not for one instance say that it was 'fall". It was the hottest day Saskatoon had seen all summer I am pretty sure at a whopping 39 degrees! i got a sunburn walking from my class to my car. The car was super far away but was all about "insta-tan" for me as I had not really had the chance to be outside all summer. I went golfing a couple of times in August which is great because now I have more to talk with my brother about as he loves that sport and has played for years. On a sadder note...2 days ago my Mom came to the city for an angiogram. They had to put a stent in one of her arteries and one of her other's is 90% clogged so her risk of heart attack and stroke is extremely high. My mother has battled with diabetes for years and it has caused her many other health problems including partial loss of sight due to hemorraging in the eyes. The heart surgery that she had creates a situation where she has to take plavix and aspirin for the rest of her life and she is not supposed to take aspirin because it puts her at high risk for her eyes hemhorrhaging again in the future and losing her sight completely! Pretty horrifying news for someone who will be celebrating her 52nd birthday in a couple of weeks....
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