My friend Chantelle got married on July 25th in Tisdale. They exchanged vows at the United Church. The vows consisted of the title of this blog... I find it humorous. Actually I think the bride and groom did as well so immediately following this vow the pastor took it upon himself to say "I know that sounds funny but..."(and went into the history of these words). Apparently the "lawful impediment" spiel is replacing the objection spiel "speak now or forever hold your peace!" That was always my favorite part of the wedding. I always wondered if someone would pipe up and the wait was intense...;) In movies someone would always burst through the door at that very moment right? So anyway, the pastor also had a lot of other rules like no confetti, no picture taking and no cell phones. haha It was a beautiful wedding and Chant looked gorgeous..no surprise there:) I had a great time. Brian came down for it and I got to see friend's that I haven't seen since Erin's wedding last summer. It was really hot on Saturday but the ceremony was actually very short and sweet(guess I am used to Catholic weddings) and we were all in the air conditioned bar about 40 minutes later! My friend Pam has been teaching in Taiwan and flew home so it was really nice to see her and hear all about her new life there. It sounds like many things are very similar to Japan. She teaches the same age groups and class types as I did, there numbers sound the same(she is currently learning their language), and is enjoying meeting other foreigners and the "party life" of living overseas. Don't think karaoke is as big as it is in Japan but still a prominent part of life there. The pictures look beautiful...makes me want to travel again. My other two good friends were two of the bridesmaids and are both expecting! Kerilee is due in the fall and Erin is due in January. I am so excited for them. As they were both "with child" they could not drink but still managed to bust a move. All of us "old people" requested a lot of 90's ditties to dance to after midnight...good times